Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kick It Into Gear

It's about that time! The time when the gym finally clears out a bit because the resolutioners have given up. While I'm glad to have my treadmill back, I want all of YOU to keep moving.

So, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite 30 minute workouts.

Here is a great interval workout I love on the elliptical.
Minute 1  -  Level 4
Minute 2  -  Level 5
Minute 3  -  Level 6
Minute 4  -  Level 7
Minute 5  -  Level 8
Starting at the 5 minute mark spend 30 seconds going as fast as you can go, back to regular pace for 90 seconds, repeat at every odd minute, 7, 9, and so on.
Stop at 25 minutes total.
You'll end up doing a total of 5 minutes at a very high intensity pace.
Tip  -  When you are sprinting, hold your core very tight. It will keep you stable and give you a great ab workout.
End your cardio with some ab work for 5 minutes.

This workout should take you about 30 minutes. Figure out what weight works for you, I'm just posting what I use.
Bench press with bar  -  3 sets of 10  -  45 lb (that is what a typical bar with no weights weighs)
Bent over row with dumbbells -  3 sets of 10  -  30 lb
Overhead press with dumbbells  -  3 sets of 10  -  30 lb
Bicep curl with dumbbells  -  3 sets of 10  -  30 lb
Tricep extension with dumbbell  -  3 sets of 10 each arm  -  10 lb
Squat with dumbbells  -  2 sets of 15  -  40 lb
Walking or stationary lunges  -  30 each leg  -  40 lb
Dead lift with dumbbells  -  2 sets of 15  -  40 lb
Lower ab lift (lie on a flat surface and raise both legs while keeping them straight)  -  30
Ball crunches (using one of the big exercise balls)  - 30
Here's the kicker: do 25 jumping jacks between each exercise.

Get your music and start running.
At the start of every song stop and do one of the following:
30 squats
30 walking lunges
30 push ups on a bench if you can find one
30 tricep dips on a bench
I usually go through this list twice.
With a warm up song and 8 other songs you will get about 30 minutes of exercise.

Pick one. Do it. Let me know what you think...

...QueenB Says

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